Directed by - Jacqueline Castel
Music Videos

Last year, Bay Area postpunkers the Soft Moon released a tough, terse album called Zeros. And now here’s director Jacqueline Castel's eroding black-and-white video for the brooding single "Insedes." Much of it takes place in a dark, clammy version of a primitive computer grid, like some fusion of Eraserhead and Tron. But then there’s also a part with a desert and melting doors to nowhere and a ring of fire, and I can’t come up with an ’80s cult-film comparison for that one. Dune maybe? Watch it and download the song below.
Running time: 04:03 - Premiered on
from FUTURE PRIMITIVER FILMS 10 months ago
"This one is hellishly surreal."
Chris Martins - March 4 2013, 5:43 PM ET
"The video alternates between stark, surrealistic doorway-in-the-desert imagery and a bit of Cartesian plane projection."
4 Mar 2013